In the past 20 years, we have seen a dramatic increase in the number of academic research studies focusing specifically on body image. Much research has focused on the factors that affect an individual’s experience of embodiment and it’s overall impact on behaviour. Much of this behaviour often includes persistent mirror checking, interest or participation in surgery, concerns about unhealthy eating, and an increase in drug use (steroids or weight loss stimulants).
Body dissatisfaction has often been described or defined as an individual’s negative evaluation of body size, shape, muscularity, and weight. Our program at Counselling Services for York Region focuses on providing our clients with research informed techniques such as cognitive behavioural therapy, focused awareness training, and acceptance therapy (ACT).
For more information on our counselling program specific to body image issues, please feel free to call us at 416-999-3437 or complete an appointment request form.
Body Image Issues - Vaughan, Ontario
Client Testimonials
"The personal growth I’ve experienced as a client is tremendous.Thank you for working with me."