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Individual (One-on-One) Counselling

Individual therapy provides clients with an opportunity to explore feelings and emotions with a professional therapist. Our environment is safe, private, and accepting. The intent of individual therapy is to address symptoms and ultimately change behaviours or thoughts that may influence success. 

Click below to find out out clinical areas of expertise.


Group Therapy

Group therapy is widely used and has been empirically accepted as a viable treatment option for many mental health issues and disorders. Group psychotherapy provides clients with an opportunity to receive support from others, experiment with expressing feelings, and create recognition of unhealthy patterns of behaviours. 



Couples/Marriage Counselling

Depending on the circumstance, couples therapy often includes both partners. A therapist will encourage each partner to be open, honest, and sincere. With the assistance of a therapist, couples will be guided through the process of identifying understanding and consciousness of each partner's needs and wants. Couples therapy is a safe space were feelings can be safely shared and heard by each individual involved.



Counselling Services for York Region has created a number of workshops and certificate programs that will help prepare clients for success in high school, college, university, post-graduate studies, and career related endeavours.


Specialty Service - Academic Tutoring

We offer academic tutoring for students by Ontario Certified Teachers. All of our Academic Tutors are employed and teaching for an Ontario District School Board. Our Academic Tutors will work collaboratively with your child's home room teacher to develop a learning plan that will see your child succeed and perform at their highest level.

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