We all experience difficulties adjusting to change from time to time. Some of us experience more difficulties than others. Our program well help individuals develop the appropriate coping strategies to help our clients challenge or effectively deal with obstacle(s) in their life.
Our goal is to empower our clients with the necessary skills and resources to challenge habits, attitudes, emotional responses, and behavioural patterns that play a part in adjusting appropriately.
What we know from psychological research focused on adjustment is that those who are willing to conform, adapt and possibly accept will likely find it easier to accept change. Our therapy program helps individuals recognize that change is an opportunity for growth that requires constant conscious evaluation and habitual behaviour modification. Ineffective habits should be examined and possibly discarded for the facilitation of new or more effective established behaviours.
Our goal at Counselling Services for York Region is to see that you succeed in reaching your therapeutic goals. If you have any questions about our counselling program specific to adjustment issues, please feel free to contact us (416-999-3437 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Adjustment Issues
Our Mission...
Our mission is to provide innovative, effective, and empirically supported counselling and educational services to individuals, couples, and families who experience mental/physical health issues and/or value personal growth and development.
Our Services
Client Testimonials
“Counselling at the centre helped me get to where I wanted to be. I’m now in control and living a life where I’m comfortable meeting new people and opening myself up to new possibilities.”