As much research has reported, lack of physical activity is associated with a range of diseases including diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The researchers discovered from their sample that there were significant differences among young men and young women in their involvement with television/computer time four years after being identified with symptoms of depression. The researchers found that young men spent on average four hours more watching television or online than young women did per week.
This highlighted research project provides emphasis on finding adequate counselling support for young men or young women who may be experiencing difficulties with depression or symptoms of depression.
Please let us know how our counselling centre can help. We are here to provide you with quality care by qualified counsellors. We have two centres to serve you, one in Vaughan and he other in Maple. We’d be more than happy to discuss how we can help you or your family members move beyond their difficulties.
Brunet et al. (2014). Symptoms of depression are longitudinally associated with sedentary behaviors among young men but not among young women. McGill University: Montreal