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Student Certification Programs and Workshops


Referred with confidence by Health Care Professionals in our community.


Our team of experts have been recognized for their work in counselling.

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All of our therapists are professional, experienced, and well trained.
Counselling Vaughan HandOur Phobia Clinic

Our intention with phobia specific therapy is to teach you the skills necessary to challenge and overcome your fear(s). Our therapy model will help you obtain the strength and confidence needed to overcome your fears and difficulties.  We will work with you to see that you reach your physical/mental health goals. 

For individuals experiencing difficulties with phobias, studies recommend treatment models that include cognitive restructuring and exposure therapy. Our program takes this a step further by including new research techniques and modalities that will help see immediate and lasting results.

How we can help:

We recognize that not everyone is able to leave their home because of the difficulties they experience with their phobia. We will schedule online or telephone sessions with you to help you develop the confidence to visit our clinic.

We will teach you skills to help you challenge your phobia and obtain the strength to live the life you’d like to live.

You will develop a skill set of thought correcting techniques that you can use in other areas of your life as well. Our treatment model will improve all areas of your life, including other aspects of your physical/mental health.   

We’re here to help! Let us know what we can do to make your experience more comfortable and satisfying. Our counselling clinic's located in Vaughan and Maple are here to help you as best as we can. 

To book an appointment, please call 416-999-3437. 


Disorders Associated with Anxiety

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Our Specialty Services

We offer one-on-one tutoring with an Ontario Certified Teacher (OCT). Tutoring available for Vaughan residents only. 

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