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Student Certification Programs and Workshops


Referred with confidence by Health Care Professionals in our community.


Our team of experts have been recognized for their work in counselling.

documentation-icon-vaughan-counsellingQualified Therapists

All of our therapists are professional, experienced, and well trained.
Many members of our community experience difficulties with substance abuse issues. Individuals with substance abuse issues are best supported when they have become aware of the variables that may influence their use. Replacing problematic behaviours with healthier coping strategies is a starting point for many of these individuals.

Once our clients have become aware of the factors that influence their use, strategies are put in place to help reduce need and desire.  Sessions focus on recognizing the ‘people, places, and things,’ that promote desire/need and provide client’s with tools to correct for thoughts and challenge behaviours. The goal for our program is to see that our clients reduce consumption and develop healthier behaviours to help cope with their abuse issues.

Clients will be encouraged through the use of positive reinforcement and personal health development. Our program will help clients recognize the need to measure commitment rather than progress.

Please note that clients must be interested in completing a substance abuse program and should not be forced.  If they are not interested in attending counselling, an intervention is recommended. If you would like to arrange an intervention, please feel free to contact us to find out how we could help. 

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Our Specialty Services

We offer one-on-one tutoring with an Ontario Certified Teacher (OCT). Tutoring available for Vaughan residents only. 

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